
Welcome to ManhattaNFT

Get your piece of the Big Apple for the Metaverse. Now you can own a block of the city that never sleeps in the metaverse. With a great roadmap and cool benefits when you own an NFT of Manhattan.

How to get early access to whitelist and mint first

ManhattaNFT has a solution for your FOMO, we build this city together! We use advanced whitelisting to give you access to our pre-minting. When you pre-mint you will get the pre-mint price and also have a change to get one of the 10 free drops to pre-minters. We've made it easy to become part of Big Apple just create an account by connecting your wallet, when you want to get whitelisted be sure to connect your discord and join the ManhattaNFT Discord and the last step is to connect your Twitter and follow our Twitter account. Now you can access Grand Central Station, where you can see the steps it takes to become a heir in The City, Start spreading the news!

1. Connect Metamask

Connect your Metamask wallet and create your free account.

2. Connect Discord

Connect your Discord and join our Discord. And refer your friends to our Discord with your personalized invite link.

3. Connect Twitter

Connect your Twitter account, follow us on twitter and retweet or like our tweets.

Get your piece of Manhattan - Hero Home

If I can make it there, I'll make it anywhere.


Stats - Integrated workflow designed for product teams

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Lorem ipsum is placeholder text commonly used.
Lorem ipsum is placeholder text commonly used.
Lorem ipsum is placeholder text commonly used.

We're in a New York state of mind..

Some call it a roadmap, we just enjoy walking 5th Avenue. Come join us as we build this city. But while we build the biggest city in the Metaverse we also want to take care of those in need outside the Metaverse. Thats why when all Manhattanft's are minted succesfully we will donate 10% of the proceeds to the The Partnership For The Homeless (partnershipforthehomeless.org) when all manhattanft are minted! The donations are secured in the smartcontract and are fully traceable.
Furthermore we will secure in the contract that 2% of the royalties of Manhattanft will annually be donated to Homeless support charities in New York City.

Q1 2022

New Amsterdam Period

To us the goal is building the city that never sleeps in the Metaverse. We will start by founding New Amsterdam block by block. Every block unique on it's own with it's own specific treats. Manhattan is the capitol of culture, finance, media and entertainment. We want to bring this epicenter to the Metaverse so we can all enjoy that magic feeling together. We know you don't want to miss out on owning your own piece which is why will provide the opportunity to become part of the whitelist to mint early. Before the reveal we will drop 10 blocks to the early-minters for free! So make sure you are part of the whitelist. Want to know how to get whitelisted? Then go here to find out

Q2 2022

Access to interactive portal

At the same moment as the reveal we will also open up access to the ManhattaNFT exclusive club. Here you can see exactly which pieces of land you can call your own. Who's your neighbor and get in touch with fellow landlords. We build this city together, so we will have cool drops for our most active community members.

Q3 2022

Get your skyscraper

Zoning height has always been a thing. However, when you own 2 pieces Manhattanft you can mint your own highrise. We know every Ape and Punk wants to be part of Billionaires' Row and show it. The perfect place to show of your NFT collection in the Metaverse. All iconic skyscrapers of Manhatten will become available in to Manhattanft owners.

Q4 2022

Downtown Men, Uptown Girls

To navigate the Manhattanft Metaverse you need to take the A-train. With this step we will make the Manhattan Subway network available to the Metaverse. Get on a subway and meet eachother, listen to artists live performance while on the train. With the Subway we will introduce you to the Musicverse!

Features illustration
Features-home Lighting fast workflow

Features-home Say hello to research data

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa.

  • Premium statistics
  • Unlimited jobs
  • Free goods
  • No code required
  • Always up to date
Features avatar
"Lorem ipsum is placeholder text commonly used in the graphic, print, and publishing".
— Anastasia Dan - UX Board

CTA - Ready to create better products?

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum consequat.

  • Free 14-day trial
  • Unlimited users
  • Volume discounts

Your benefits

Features 02
Being part of the greatest city of the world also brings you benefits.

. For developers

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

. For designers

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

. For teams

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.


  • How many ManhattaNFTs will be minted?

    In total there will be 9999 ManhattaNFTs available to mint

  • What blockchain does ManhattaNFT use?

    We build this City with Ethereum-based ERC-721 tokens

  • When you made it to the whitelist

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Quis enim lobortis scelerisque fermentum.

  • Will I have ownership / commercial rights of the art related to the ManhattaNFT token?

    You have the full commercial rights to use the art related to the ManhattaNFT token(s) while owning them.

  • Do I know which part of ManhattaNFT I get?

    The location of your block of ManhattaNFT remains hidden until the big reveal on March 1st 2022.

  • What determines rarity for ManhattaNFT?

    Your streets, neighborhoods make first level of rarity, but we also include artwork of landmarks if they are part of your block.

  • How can I mint a unique Neighborhood NFT?

    When you own two blocks in one neighborhood you can mint one neighborhood NFT which will be unique and hard to get. Per neighborhood we can only mint 10 NFTs to keep them unique. You can then trade the Neighbordhood NFT for the real Manhattan Collector?.

  • Will ManhattaNFT be listed on exchanges?

    Once ManhattaNFT is minted, it will be automatically added to a collection on opensea.io on our official opensea account: https://opensea.io/collection/manhattanft

Meet the Team

The founding fathers bringing Manhattan to the Metaverse. - Peter Stuyvesant's legacy continues when these founding fathers move Manhattan to the Metaverse. You can read more about them at KruegerBrownstone.com

Team member 01


Team member 02

